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Notification still sending every minutes

Hi everybody,

I need a little help after few hours of research.

I’m monitoring interfaces on switch with the OS-Linux-Traffic-Generic-Id-SNMP.

I modified the notification interval (tried 0, 60, 3600...) but it still sending every minutes, that it seems to be the default configuration. Tried to modify notification interval in service, host and templates...but nothing work.

Do you have any other idea ?

6 replies

Userlevel 4
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Did you export configuration from configuration > pollers > pollers > export configuration menu ?

you can check in /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log that the service is properly reloaded / restarted.

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Thank you for your answer !!!

Yes I did, itried the restart and relaod option. I even try to reboot the VM.

No error in the log file.

Every interval seems to be setup to 60s by default. is there a way to change this globally ?

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config of host :

define host {
    host_name                      BAT-A-1930-48GPOE-6
    address                        xxxxxxx
    contacts                       xxxxxx
    check_command                  base_host_alive
    check_period                   24x7
    notification_period            24x7
    max_check_attempts             3
    check_interval                 1
    retry_interval                 1
    notification_interval          60
    notification_options           d,u,r,f,s
    register                       1
    timezone                       :Europe/Paris
    active_checks_enabled          1
    notifications_enabled          1
    _SNMPCOMMUNITY                 xxxxxxx
    _SNMPVERSION                   1
    _HOST_ID                       32

Config of service :

service_description            AP_WIFI_SS_WHSS1
    contacts                      xxxxxxxx
    check_period                   24x7
    notification_period            24x7
    max_check_attempts             3
    check_interval                 1
    retry_interval                 1
    notification_interval          10
    notification_options           w,u,c,r,f,s
    register                       1
    is_volatile                    1
    notifications_enabled          1
    use                            OS-Linux-Traffic-Generic-Id-SNMP
    _INTERFACEID                   25
    _CRITICALIN                    10000000
    _CRITICALOUT                   10000000
    _SERVICE_ID                    228

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Tried to update to 22.04 but the problem remain the same.

Userlevel 6
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This is because you enabled is_volatile in your service configuration. As a result the notification interval is ignored. 

Disable it and engine will stick to the notification_interval value. ​​​​​​​



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This is because you enabled is_volatile in your service configuration. As a result the notification interval is ignored. 

Disable it and engine will stick to the notification_interval value.



Thank you very much !!! It’s working !!!
