Hello all,
I’m having trouble with the new NVIDIA GPU SMI SSH plugin (hardware::devices::nvidia::gpu::smi::plugin).
I would like to monitor the GPUs of my ESXi but the authentification doesn’t work.
I tried with the ESX root account
broot@Centreon plugins]# ./centreon_plugins.pl --plugin=hardware::devices::nvidia::gpu::smi::plugin --mode=stats --hostname=EsxName --ssh-username=root --ssh-password='MyEsxRootPWD' --ssh-backend=libssh --verbose
UNKNOWN: auth issue: Access denied for 'password'. Authentication that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
I also tried with the Centreon user because the documentation use this user. But because that user is not present on my ESXs I don’t understand how it could works
eroot@Centreon plugins]# ./centreon_plugins.pl --plugin=hardware::devices::nvidia::gpu::smi::plugin --mode=stats --hostname=EsxName --ssh-username=centreon --ssh-password='' --ssh-backend=libssh --verbose
UNKNOWN: auth issue: pubkey issue
If anyone have tried this plugin before I would appreciate some help :)