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Hello. I call the mentioned plugin but the result does not return correctly.
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=hardware::server::lenovo::xcc::snmp::plugin --mode=hardware --component=disk --hostname=10.251.X.X --snmp-version=3 --snmp-username='user' --authprotocol='' --authpassphrase='' --privprotocol='' --privpassphrase='' --verbose
'temperature', 'voltage', 'fan', 'psu', 'disk', 'raidvolume'
I get this result from other components.
Is there a solution to this?
Hardware model - System x3650 M5


OK: All 0 components are ok []. |
It returns the result.

Hello @f.salamov,

What is the result of the following command ?

snmpwalk -v 3 -u user -a authprotocol -A authpassphrase -x privprotocol -X privpassphrase 10.251.X.X .



snmpwalk -v 3 -u centreon -l noAuthNoPriv 10.251.X.X  .

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.19046.11.1.1 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID



The plugin only works with xClarity controllers. I don’t think OIDs are the same for x3650 M5. 


Do you have a list of the MIB file supported on this system? Most of the time you can download it from the admin console.. Feel free to share these so we can offer a solution.

Thank you
