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Our question is about the plugin-pack Vmware ESX.

We want to known if it is possible to use use Vmware Tag / Custom Attribute in a discovery rule to filter on différents objetcs (virtual machine, hosts, datastore, ...).


Thank you for your answers.

Best regards



You can already use custom attributes to filter on objects, create or assign dimensions (groups,..).


Tags should come this month, we are finishing some tests. 


It’s supported at ESX and VM level. 




Thank you for the answer.


I created a service discovery rule based on the Virt-VMWare2-Vcenter-Datastores-Discover command.

When I edit the rule, in the tab Inclusions/Exclusions & Macros, for the filter I only have the choices

$name$   $accessible$   $type$ for the selection filter.


Can you tell me where to find the information for implementing the custom attributes on the discovery rule.


May be, do you have an example of a configuration for this point.


Thank you for your answers.

Best regards


Sorry, my mistake, I was on the host discovery part, not on the service one. 


We don’t manage tags at service discovery level, could you elaborate a bit about the use case please?

Whe use this discovery rule to monitor datastores usage. This discovery allows automatic addition of new datastore in Centreon and disable those that no longer exist.

Actually, in the rule, the filter allows us to select the datastores by criteria (type, name, accessibility).


In our Vmware environnement whe use Custom Attributes to categorize objets.


For example, we want to use Vmware Custom Attribute to identify datastore we won’t to monitor.

So, it would be easy to filter on this custom attribute in the discovery rule in Centreon.

Ok I see, give me some time to check this with the developer and I’ll come back to you. 



Hello sims24,

i read in your post “We don’t manage tags at service discovery level”, i see that the tag exist in the detail on the VM but it is not populated

 but in the same time, we can access the custom_attributes, you can see on my capture that there are 2 keys “veeam Backup” and “MS-SQL”

Are you still working on getting VM tags from Discovery tools, or it is an information centreon is unable to get

Thanks in advance for any responses
