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Problèm after upgrade 22.10.11 to 23.04.6 on the plugin's update

i have this issue : Reason: SQLSTATET23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'pluginpack_dep_id' cannot be null


For information all the extention are updated to the last version

Hi @Christian JUILLARD you got this error during update process or when accessing to a dedicated page?

when i start the process to upgrade the plugins only.


Error message


Extension manager up to date


the issue is always in the last version released today


Hi @Christian JUILLARD do you use Centreon IT-100 edition?


Do you use a proxy to access to Internet from your Central server?

no it’s a direct gateway access, no proxy

all the other update are good. Only issues on plugins upgrade


So for new Monitoring Connectors installation everything is OK but not for update?

No problem for new connector.

This is this one the problem



i unstall it, but i can’t reinsall it

J’arrive presque au bout, mais maintenant j’ai : 

An error occured while installing the following monitoring connector :
+ network-switchs-hp-procurve-snmp

Reason: SQLSTATEL23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'network-switchs-hp-procurve-snmp' for key 'slug_UNIQUE'

So the following monitoring connector were not processed
+ network-switchs-hp-procurve-snmp

I find may be the origin of the problem, we will try to fix this soon.


i uninstall au the plugins in error and reinstall it. It seems ok


Bonjour, J’ai le même problème sur une IT-100.

Par contre, j’ai une plateforma centreon (prod) avec licence en mode non connecté (maj des pack via yum) et je n’ai pas le problème (yum update ne me retourne rien, il est à jour).

La seul diffèrence est qu’en IT-100, la page plugin pack m’a proposé des mises à jours et pas sur la plateforme non connecté.


HI @gregory did you try to clean yum cache before to try to update connectors ?

dnf clean all


Same problem when purging the repos and update all packages.

With IT-100, generic snmp plugin pack in the plugin pack manager window proposes 23.08.0 version (and it gives me a sql error when updating).

With offline centreon, generic snmp plugin pack in the plugin pack manager window does not offer update (currently 23.05.1)

Best regards,


Hi @gregory , it look like you don’t have configured new repository for Monitoring Connectors (ex Plugin Packs).

Please contact your support to access to new repo.



I asked support to access to new repo. 

Best regards,


After reinstalling the rpm given by support (support to access to new repo), it's still the same.

Best regards

HI @gregory please create a ticket to Centreon support.


apparently, on my IT100, I am linked with the testing repo even though I should not.

Generic snmp plugin pack (Monitoring Connectors) in the plugin pack manager window proposes 23.08.0 version, but this is the version from the testing repository.

Is it normal for my it100 to synchronize on this repository ?

Best regards,

HI @gregory you should be linked to “stable” repo. where do you see your are linked to testing repo?

Hi, we see in the repo the stable version of centreon-pack-applications-protocol-snmp (23.05.1-1.el7.noarch.rpm) while the pack manager plugin (web) offers a version upgrade (23.08) which corresponds to the testing version (23.08.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm). Only on the IT100.

Same after an upgrade from 22.10.15 to 22.10.19 :


Was able to update next packs one by one, and then update the faulty one individually.

Now it’s time to list all the things that broke… 
