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Good evening, I have three problems with my centreon HA the replication of open tickets is not done correctly, moreover I have my host icons which do not appear any more, and finally I have a date bug in "-1y -1M ago"

Here are screenshots:


In circle the lack of icon

In underlined the date problem

In cross the open ticket which does not appear

My Widget:



Bonsoir, j’ai trois problèmes avec mon centreon HA la réplication des tickets ouverts ne se fait pas correctement, de plus j’ai mes icons d’hôtes qui ne s’affiche plus, et enfin j’ai un bug de dates en “-1y -1M ago”

Voici des screens:


En cercle le manque d’icon

En souligné le problème de date

En Croix le ticket ouvert qui n’apparait pas

Mon Widget:




Could you please share versions you are using so we can provide relevant help? 


It could help to know which version of centreon, centreon-ha you are using. 



Hello ! Im currently using the version: 21.10.6 




and version 1.1.23 in slave:

version 1.1.23 in master:

Im seeing that the Current DC is centreon-slave it is normal? because its my centreon-master the current master.


I need the whole output, you should also have resources with their states.


Can you also share how your mysql replication is operating right now?


I need the whole output, you should also have resources with their states.


Can you also share how your mysql replication is operating right now?

Yes of course !

pcs status whole ouput:


script status:


Ok, so I guess we can exclude the HA, everything seems up, running, and in sync. 

Can you confirm that the TIKCET_ID macro has been correctly added to both generic host and service template ?


Also, we can’t see on you screenshot, but both of your widgets are correctly configured as described here: ?

Ok, so I guess we can exclude the HA, everything seems up, running, and in sync. 

Can you confirm that the TIKCET_ID macro has been correctly added to both generic host and service template ?


Also, we can’t see on you screenshot, but both of your widgets are correctly configured as described here: ?

I confirm 


My widget are correctly configured because when I add a ticket, I can close it on the master and the salve, but when I open a ticket on master and I move centreon to salve, i can’t see my ticket opened so i can’t close it on salve.

my widget:


For the date I have found this problem, centreon as not the same date (the correct one is on the web interface):




You probably have to update the mariadb timezone, but not sure this is the root of the problem. See:,group%20in%20an%20option%20file. Use the same timezone you used in 50-centreon.ini if you want to have a match in dates.


When resources are active on the slave, please issue this command to refresh your cache

su - apache -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear"





You probably have to update the mariadb timezone, but not sure this is the root of the problem. See:,group%20in%20an%20option%20file. Use the same timezone you used in 50-centreon.ini if you want to have a match in dates.


When resources are active on the slave, please issue this command to refresh your cache

su - apache -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear"



I have been adding the timezone on mariadb on both nodes but it still not change the date, they are not the same one the maraidb and on the centreon. Even if I did turn of mariadb on the salve and execute the script of replication on the master:







Did you do that on the slave? 

> su - apache -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear"


Are you able to see your logos again afterward? 


Regarding MariaDB and date, global variables are stored in mysql internal database, which is not part of the replication. An interesting thread if you want to have the same date (but this is not the problem I guess): NOW() function relies on the system clock.



Did you do that on the slave? 

> su - apache -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear"


Are you able to see your logos again afterward? 


Regarding MariaDB and date, global variables are stored in mysql internal database, which is not part of the replication. An interesting thread if you want to have the same date (but this is not the problem I guess): NOW() function relies on the system clock.



Yes I’ve done it  on slave while the resource was on the slave

 I can see some Icons but not all of them 

I’m not used to mariaDB and timezone also, I’ve looked the thread but I don’t understand what i’m suppose to do ? Because they don’t talk about Dates, only about Hours


If you want lightning answers, or remote control, you can reach us @Centreon and subscribe to a support contract. 



If you want lightning answers, or remote control, you can reach us @Centreon and subscribe to a support contract. 



I just want to change the date and time of mariaDB.


I have found the problem, it was the date and time the problem. Because im on a VM on Wmare Workstation Pro, so I have installed open-vm-tools on both nodes. Restart the vm. And date and time are correct ! Then I went to the web interface, and what happened ? Icons and Open tickets are good !!

But make sure that when you do that on the master, move the centreon into the slave before. Otherwise when you will restart the vm you will loose your database MaraiDB like that:


