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Good morning

I have just installed and configured a collector to add it to centreon central and I encounter some problem Centreon version 21.10:

-When I put the hosts on the collector it works half the time and when it doesn't work I get a message "(No output returned from plugin)"


The equipment is correctly configured to accept the collector. When I put the host back on the central I have no problem.

your service command is probably running a script not installed in your poller

can you share the command the poller fails to output?

Thank you very much for the answer: If I understand correctly, all the central plugins must also be installed on the collector? The command in question is:

$CENTREONPLUGINS$/ --plugin=hardware::ups::apc::snmp::plugin --mode=input-lines --hostname=$HOSTADDRESS$ --snmp-version='$_HOSTSNMPVERSION$' --snmp-community='$_HOSTSNMPCOMMUNITY$' $_HOSTSNMPEXTRAOPTIONS$ --warning-frequence='$_SERVICEWARNINGFREQUENCE$' --critical-frequence='$_SERVICECRITICALFREQUENCE$' --warning-voltage='$_SERVICEWARNINGVOLTAGE$' --critical-voltage='$_SERVICECRITICALVOLTAGE$'

you may follow this procedure to install APC plugin onto the poller

Thanks again. I will test tomorrow and let you know.


it's good it works  thank you
