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Récupération métrique Windows Server

  • 8 March 2022
  • 4 replies



Je dispose plusieurs machines Windows Server distante.

Je mets en place le modèle OS-Windows-SNMP-Custom. Je récupère bien le ping mais pas le cpu mémoire et swap (UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request : Timeout)

J’ai autorisé le port UDP 161 entrant et 162 sortant. Le cpu est ok mais la mémoire et le swap reste en UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request : Timeout


Ce que je comprends pas c’est que certains Serveur distant Windows sont bon :weary:

Hello @Davidd ,

The error message “UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request : Timeout” is most of the time related to a network issue.

You have here a troubleshooting guide to help to understand where the issue can be:

Feel free to send us the output of the different commands from the troubleshooting guide to help you :)

Regarding Windows specifically, numerous examples of random failures with SNMP check when server is overloaded have been observed: 


Adding --snmp-timeout=3 to the command is enough most of the time.

Thank you for your feedback, I read your link @Kriko , indeed by putting the 2C version I have "UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout" but by putting 1 it works.

I will see to switch back to 2C with --snmp-timeout=3 @sims24 thank you


I had the same problem only with windows server w2k12 and after.

With option --snmp-force-getnext, memory and swap check are OK.
