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(Sorry in advance for my English)


I’m trying to link a Remote Server on a Central both behind a firewall.


Everything is Working (i can supervise some equipement on the remote network) but the Poller on the Remote is still displayed as “Central” and not running.


On the Central side, everything is working and the Remote is displayed as working and updating.


Is this an issue on the Remote ?


Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi ​@Alexis63 to make sure I understand correctly: on your Central server, in the "Configuration > Pollers > Pollers" menu, your Remote Server is displayed as "central" in the "Server type" column and as "NO" in the "Is running?" column.

Hi Laurent,


Everything is fine after the “Extend local DBMS rights” step.


I reboot the gorgoned process on both Central and Remote and everything is okay exept that i can’t create hosts on the Central.


I have the following issue : 

Idle timeout reached for "https://>my_central_fqdn>/centreon/api/latest/configuration/hosts".


My Central is working on a different port than the default https 443.


How can i fix this ?


Thank you in advance for your help

You can edit /etc/centreon-gorgone/config.d/31-centreon-api.yaml file and add your port in base_url parameter

I already add the custom port but nothing change 😐 

I restarted the gorgoned process and nothing work after that.

You don’t have firewalld enabled with specific rules?


The service “firewalld” is disabled and no specific rules have been created.

UPDATE : i can duplicate existing host and export poller configuration : its working.

I can also create services without any issue.

I juste can’t create an host from the original form.


I noticed that the problem appear after the upgrade of my Central at version 24.10

Is this an issue on this version ?
