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Step By Step OS migration - Centreon Infra

  • 7 February 2023
  • 3 replies


We are currently running Centreon (V 22.04.7) on Centos 7.9 Linux serveurs, on a distributed platorm:

  • 1 serveur dedicated for the Frontend Web
  • 3 Poller (Engine) servers
  • 1 serveur for the Mariadb database

We would like to upgrade first centreon to 22.10.X on all environment (To have the lastest version).

Once done and validated after few weeks: we woul like to migrate the operating system migration to RHEL 8, but step by step on (Begin with the database, then pollers then FrontEnd).


My question is : do you think that différent versions on OS (Rhel8 / centos7) can co-exists ?:

  • If we migrate only the database server to RHEL8 (and keep the others with Centos 7)
  • Then a few weeks later : Migrate only one poller .. then another one  ...etc...(within a few days)
  • A few week later : migrate the Frontend server.

Thanks !



It’s ok. The different OS are not important, the only important thing is that the centreon version must be the same between each servers/pollers.

I have 1 central and 4 pollers v22.04.7 and my pollers migration from Centos 7.9 to AlmaLinux 8.7 has begun.

2 pollers are migrated, Alma 8.7 and centreon 22.04.7, no problems ( only with the mongoDB plugin and a dependancy pb, but all others are OK ). The next step is the 2 others pollers and I’ll finish with the central, it’s more complicated than a poller 😉

Thanks for your feedbak !

What about the Centreon database ? Is it located on the central ?

Our Centreon database is located on a dedicated Centos 7 server… I wonder If I can just do a upgrade in place of the OS (From Centos 7 to Redhat 😎 … This should be transparent and will be faster and I wont have to build another servers / dump databse / restore ... etc.

NB: Centreon does not provide even basic support for the migration steps but advise to contact the commercial team (Professional Services)



My database is on the central, so I’ll have to install a new server and migrate data/bdd/conf from the old one to the new one.

For pollers, I have reinstalled them to migrate from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 8.7.

I have tried to upgrade directly the OS on my test environnement. The OS was migrated without problems using AlmaLinux “elevated project”, but the centreon packages have been removed during operations because the script doesn’t know centreon repos.

So I’ve done a rollback ( snapshot ), and installed new ones :)
