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Objet : Supervision des services auto-service sur VM Windows avec Centreon /SNMP


J'ai besoin de votre aide pour superviser tous les services auto-service sur des VMs Windows.

Le problème est que les plugins Centreon par défaut utilisent des commandes WMI (pas d’installation de client centreon sur les machines), ce qui n'est pas adapté à mon besoin car mon équipe souhaite utiliser uniquement les services SNMP.

J'ai essayé de créer un nouveau service avec la commande suivante :


/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=os::windows::snmp::plugin --mode=service --hostname=$HOSTADDRESS$ --snmp-version='$_HOSTSNMPVERSION$' --snmp-community='$_HOSTSNMPCOMMUNITY$' --service='' --state='paused|stopped' --regexp


Cependant, je n'arrive pas à obtenir les résultats souhaités et à être alerté uniquement lorsqu'un service auto-service passe en état arrêté ou en pause.

Pourriez-vous m'aider à configurer la supervision des services auto-service sur des VM Windows en utilisant uniquement le SNMP ()?

Informations complémentaires :

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.


In english because the community is asked to post in english :)


SNMP is deprecated on windows since Windows 2012 Features Removed or Deprecated in Windows Server 2012 | Microsoft Learn

you will get problem to get the services as if a service is not running it will disapear from the snmp table unless someone refresh the local service console, it is a bug from microsoft and it will never be corrected as they said as they stopped developping snmp.

it still work a bit, for cpu, ram, network, processes, but services are a bit special and it doesnt work like with nsclient or wmi, it cannot list “automatic” services, it list only the started services, not the “not running” ones, and it takes times (or a manipulation like starting/stopping a service) for the snmp table to get updated

WSMan is a native windows agent for monitoring, it is the only “agentless” alternative

Centreon is working on an alternative to nsclient with a centreon agent (for next year ? i’m waiting for it)

but there are no clean alternative today, no agents, no data

other post here ros::windows::snmp::plugin] --mode=service: Unknown state instead of Critical when service is stopped | Community (  (basically, windows 2012 still work correctly for the services but not 2019 and above)

or this one : Using os::windows::snmp::plugin with list-services mode to list ALL services | Community (

Thank you so much, Christophe Niel-ACT. It’s a pleasure to see your expertise again on such an occasion!

I am Said , and I worked with you at ACTIV*  three months ago.

I have a new project to implement Centreon in a new infrastructure to supervise a wide variety of hosts and equipment.

Thanks again for your response and all the details.

haha, the world is small :)
