Export of objects with non ASCII characters is broken (from the UI as from CLAPI), example :
Then the generated file can’t be imported, or if imported, it results in an object with a wrong name. (this is with 22.10.11 but as I saw nothing in the changelog about that I guess 22.10.15 still has this (very long lasting) bug.
AFAIK, there isn’t any import/export solution in APIv2.
Is this bug will be finally fixed someday ? Is the the APIv2 also has those encoding issues ? If not, is it planned to have an import/export functionality?
I’m aware I can use SQL, or coding what’s necessary from the existing APIv2, but I can’t figure why it had never been fixed while some new fancy functionalities are developed. Is it so difficult technically? Or am I the only user who complains about that and considers that the fact to be limited to ASCII nowadays is unacceptable?
I‘d really like to know what the other users think, hence this post.