When you install a plugin pack, you get the locked featured service templates + the custom service templates, with this inheritance chain (as an example) :
App-Protocol-HTTP-Response-Time-custom → App-Protocol-HTTP-Response-Time → generic-active-service-custom → generic-active-service
If I want to reduce this chain by using copies of the custom service templates, for example :
MyTemplate-HTTP-Response-Time-custom → MyTemplate-generic-active-service-custom
i guess that my templates won’t be updated if the plugin pack is updated, right ?
In that case, if I want to keep the benefit of the plugin pack update, I should keep the inheritance from the locked templates, for example :
MyTemplate-HTTP-Response-Time-custom → App-Protocol-HTTP-Response-Time
but this locked template has a mandatory inheritance from generic-active-service-custom
so, if I want to have different templates of generic-active-service (for different environments, PROD, UAT, TEST ...), I think that I must have a chain like this :
MyTemplate-HTTP-Response-Time-custom → App-Protocol-HTTP-Response-Time → generic-active-service-custom → MyPROD-generic-active-service-custom → generic-active-service
Then I’m far from the idea of reducing the chain length (the aim is to simplify the exploitation for different admins...)
Is there another solution to reduce the chain length without loosing the benefit of plugin updates ?