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UPGRADE - 22.04.1: Unable to update 'custom_configuration' column on 'provider_configuration' table

  • 21 May 2024
  • 5 replies

During my process to upgrade our very old Centreon, I get stuck at this level, and the infos I can find in /var/log/centreon/upgrade.log is:

2024-05-21 16:16|0|0|UPGRADE - 22.04.1: Unable to update 'custom_configuration' column on 'provider_configuration' table - Code : 42 - Error : SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'custom_configuration' in 'field list' - Trace : #0 /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonDB.class.php(311): PDO->query()
#1 /usr/share/centreon/www/install/php/Update-22.04.1.php(77): CentreonDB->query()
#2 /usr/share/centreon/www/install/php/Update-22.04.1.php(36): updateOpenIdConfiguration()
#3 /usr/share/centreon/src/Core/Platform/Infrastructure/Repository/DbWriteUpdateRepository.php(144): include_once('...')
#4 /usr/share/centreon/src/Core/Platform/Infrastructure/Repository/DbWriteUpdateRepository.php(61): Core\Platform\Infrastructure\Repository\DbWriteUpdateRepository->runScript()
#5 /usr/share/centreon/www/install/step_upgrade/process/process_step4.php(46): Core\Platform\Infrastructure\Repository\DbWriteUpdateRepository->runUpdate()

Could someone help me ?

Can you try to execute following SQL request on ‘centreon’ database and continue upgrade process:

ALTER TABLE `provider_configuration` ADD COLUMN `custom_configuration` JSON NOT NULL AFTER `name`


Thanks for your answer, I did that, but I always get the same result on the web interface:

And on the /var/log/centreon/upgrade.log:

2024-05-22 13:32|0|0|UPGRADE - 22.04.1: Unable to update 'custom_configuration' column on 'provider_configuration' table - Code : 0 - Error : No custom_configuration for open_id has been found - Trace : #0 /usr/share/centreon/www/install/php/Update-22.04.1.php(36): updateOpenIdConfiguration()
#1 /usr/share/centreon/src/Core/Platform/Infrastructure/Repository/DbWriteUpdateRepository.php(144): include_once('...')
#2 /usr/share/centreon/src/Core/Platform/Infrastructure/Repository/DbWriteUpdateRepository.php(61): Core\Platform\Infrastructure\Repository\DbWriteUpdateRepository->runScript()
#3 /usr/share/centreon/www/install/step_upgrade/process/process_step4.php(46): Core\Platform\Infrastructure\Repository\DbWriteUpdateRepository->runUpdate()
#4 {main}


/var/log/centreon/sql-error.log is empty…


Hi, can ou try to comment line 36 and refresh?



Thanks a lot !
GOOD, we go on, but not totally…
Now I’ve got:


Nothing more in upgrade.log, but in sql-error.log, I have now:

2024-05-23 09:00|0|0|SQLSTATEL42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'sat.token_type' in 'where clause' QUERY : DELETE st FROM security_token st
WHERE st.expiration_date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())
    SELECT 1
    FROM security_authentication_tokens sat
    WHERE sat.provider_token_refresh_id =
    AND sat.token_type = 'auto'
    LIMIT 1
2024-05-23 09:00|0|0|TokenRemoval CRON: failed to delete old tokens


The table, security_authentication_tokens contains 0 row !

This seems to be, once again related to openid…
Where does that come from ?

Any idea ?
