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Hello guys, has anyone here using vCenter vSphere 8 with Centreon? Our current vCenter will be upgraded to vSphere 8 soon. We want to make sure that Centreon would be able to monitor vCenter (vSphere 😎, the ESXs inside it and the VM hosts residing in it.


Unfortunately, we will not have test vCenter vSphere 8 to test and check the compatibility of Centreon with it.


Appreciate, your feedback on this.




Hi Crisanto,

We migrate our vCenter 2 weeks ago and we’re no more able to monitor it (VMware doesn’t maintain Perl SDK anymore...).


If anyone knows a workaround, I’ll appreciate ;)



Up !


Hello everyone,

We have the same problem.

Has anyone found a solution?




Hello,I asked Centreon support and the answer was "I confirm compatibility with vCenter 8."
We will still do it in staging to be sure.

Je suis sous vmware 8 update 2 ca fonctionne bien pas de problème

@slayderz2 merci beaucoup pour ce retour !

Pour faire fonctionner le plugin local SDK de vCenter 8 y a pas eu d’action particulière ?

Hello there,

Centreon is currently working on a new VMWare 8 connector (ESX first) and we are looking for an environment to work in real conditions with the VMWare 8 API. Does one of you have one and is ready to let us try some HTTP requests in the vCenter ?

Thank you in advance and best regards.

Hello there,

Centreon is currently working on a new VMWare 8 connector (ESX first) and we are looking for an environment to work in real conditions with the VMWare 8 API. Does one of you have one and is ready to let us try some HTTP requests in the vCenter ?

Thank you in advance and best regards.

Hello there. Are you still working on it ? 

Hello :)

Thank you for your reply. We've managed to get the resources we need internally, so we should be able to make progress on this topic very soon. We'll keep you informed :)

Hello :)

Thank you for your reply. We've managed to get the resources we need internally, so we should be able to make progress on this topic very soon. We'll keep you informed :)

Any update ?

Hello ​@Jerome MARGUERITTE :)

We're still working on VMWare 8 connector, which is one of our priorities for the upcoming release. 

Best regards.

Hello :)

The first stone of the new connector VMware 8 ESX was laid in the release of this month : 

And you can give us feedback about it here : 


VMware8 ESX REST API do not work.

I have a Centreon 24.10.0.

>centreon-engine@vLCENTREON-00-E01 ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::vmware::vsphere8::esx::plugin --mode=host-status --hostname='' --port='443' --proto='http' --esx-name='' --esx-id='' --username='monitorizacion' --password='****'
UNKNOWN: curl perform error : Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)


pcentreon-engine@vLCENTREON-00-E01 ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::vmware::vsphere8::esx::plugin --mode=host-status --hostname='' --port='443' --proto='https' --esx-name='' --esx-id='' --username='monitorizacion' --password='****'
UNKNOWN: curl perform error : SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK


UNKNOWN: curl perform error : SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK


>centreon-engine@vLCENTREON-00-E01 ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::vmware::vsphere8::esx::plugin --mode=host-status --hostname='' --port='80' --proto='https' --esx-name='' --esx-id='' --username='monitorizacion' --password='****'
UNKNOWN: curl perform error : SSL connect error


Can anybody help me please?

Hi ​@Miguel Angel,

The error message suggests that you may have to apply the part that relates to SSL certificate in the prerequisites from the documentation or add the --insecure option.


The rest of the command line also inspires me to remind this excerpt of the --help section of the plugin:

Define which physical server to monitor based on its resource ID
(example: "host-16").

Define which physical server to monitor based on its name (example:
"esx01.mydomain.tld"). When possible, it is recommended to use
"--esx-id" instead.

In your case, as I understand your situation, instead of  --esx-name='' --esx-id=''  you should use --esx-name='' --esx-id='' .

The esx-id is an internal identifier that you can notice in the URL when you browse it in the vCenter WUI.

You may use the host discovery feature to avoid having to bother figuring it.


[centreon-engine@vLCENTREON-00-E01 ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::vmware::vsphere8::esx::plugin --mode=host-status --hostname='' --port='443' --proto='https' --esx-name='' --insecure --esx-name='' --username='monitorizacion' --password='***'

OK: Host '', id: 'host-12': power state is POWERED_ON, connection state is CONNECTED

Thanks, it´s working!!!!!!

I fixed another problem...

[root@vLCENTREON-00-E01 centplugins]# pwd

>root@vLCENTREON-00-E01 centplugins]# ls -alrt

-rw-rw-r--.  1 centreon-engine centreon-engine   411 mar 14 12:45 cache_snmpstandard_193.145.75.81_161_storage
-rw-rw-r--.  1 centreon-engine centreon-engine   412 mar 14 12:50 cache_snmpstandard_193.145.67.4_161_storage
drwxrwxr-x.  2 centreon        centreon         8192 mar 14 12:56 .
-rw-r--r--.  1 root            root               65 mar 14 12:56 vsphere8_api_dd6678d7c6a601e5160c632de9a7b1c7
-rw-rw-r--.  1 centreon-engine centreon-engine   485 mar 14 12:57 cache_linux_local_193.145.75.51:22_cpu_a181a603769c1f98ad927e7367c7aa51
-rw-rw-r--.  1 centreon-engine centreon-engine   821 mar 14 12:57 cache_linux_local_193.145.75.35:22_cpu_a181a603769c1f98ad927e7367c7aa51

9root@vLCENTREON-00-E01 centplugins]# chown centreon-engine:centreon-engine ./vsphere8_api_dd6678d7c6a601e5160c632de9a7b1c7


and after that, there is another problem…



Can you help me please?
