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Updates to MAP are available that have an updated log4j (v2.17) library that fixes the log4shell vulnerability (and the newly found DoS issue). Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes

  • centreon-map-20.10.8
  • centreon-map-21.04.4
  • centreon-map-21.10.2


Hi, i’ve done the update, map dosen’t work anymore for me.

Please contact technical support who will be able to help you.


As discussed together, when upgrading the Centreon MAP module in versions 21.04.x or below, if MAP was configured to use HTTPS connections, it is necessary to enable the TLS profile again in the MAP configuration file /etc/centreon-studio/centreon-map.conf:






Note that these are new versions we had to release to include log4j 2.17