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Centreon’s community “The Watch” welcomes contributors from all corners of the world with a common interest for open source monitoring. Through adhering to this code of conduct we ensure our community is a respectful, welcoming, and stimulating place to be. As a member of The Watch, you pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, asking questions, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and any other activities.

Centreon is committed to making participation in this community a positive experience for everyone, regardless of their professional role, level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality. The following guidelines are designed to help us achieve that. Should there be any questions or issues, please let us know via a mail to


The rules we all get by

Be friendly

Users must treat one another with respect. Users will not post any racist, insulting, sexist, discriminatory, threatening or otherwise insulting comments, will not use coarse language, make inappropriate jokes or otherwise harass other users.

Stay legal

Users may not post any pornographic or otherwise offensive material, share illegal or copyrighted content, attempt to distribute illegal substances, distribute viruses or other material which gives you access to the computers or systems of other users, or generally anything that is considered illegal by your country of residence.

Stay on topic

Please do not change the subject of a discussion to something not intended by the original poster. Any off-topic posting or “hijacking” of threads will result in content being removed and ultimately can cause users to be denied access to the community.

No commercial use

Users may not use the forum for (commercial) activities such as the advertising or sale of products, the sending of commercial messages (spam), the offering of (interactive) games or the advertising of other chat forums or websites. But you may provide this information on the relevant category: “services”

No sharing of private information

Please refrain from sharing personal information (telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.) of yourself, other people or companies.

No multiple accounts

It is not allowed to own multiple accounts on this community. If the Community Team detects double accounts all secondary accounts will be banned.

Moderator actions

The Community Team reserves the right to change or remove content or to restrict access to individual users, should it be regarded as necessary. It is not allowed to discuss any Moderation actions in public, should you agree with an action taken then please contact a Moderator or the Community Manager via private message.

Be careful

All users on this community are here to help. However, nobody can be held responsible for any negative consequences resulting out of information derived from this community.


What will we do about unwanted behavior?

Our community managers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, code, edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this code of conduct. We may ban, temporarily or permanently, any contributor for other behaviors that we deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

Our community managers also commit to fairly and consistently applying the above principles to every aspect of managing this community. 

If you need to report abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior please contact


*Part of these guidelines are adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.3.0, available here. ​​

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