
Check_icmp : failed to resolve @*

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bonjour à tous,

Suite à une auto-découverte sur Centreon 23.04 (sous debian11), j’ai bien une remontée de mes VMs (Windows Serveur) mais j’obtiens ceci:

J’ai pourtant vérifié les droits dans “ /user/lib/nagios/plugins “ de (root en propriétaire avec lecture/écriture) . Donc je ne vois pas d’ou celà pourrais config ip debian?

Merci d’avance de vos retour et solutions si vous avez :) !

24 replies

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Hey @tsuko, could you please share your problem in English? It'll be super helpful for our non-French speaking buddies who might be facing the same issue. Thank you for your understanding

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hi @Fabrix  sorry,

i will resume quickly  my problem encountered.

i’m using Centreon (on DEBIAN11), when i use auto-discovery, i’ve the feedback or my equipment (VM ...) but it shows me this problem : 


i looked in the plugins folder ( /usr/lib/nagios/plugin/ ! it has a good permissions and “root” owner i don’t know why i got this problem! maybe it come from my IP configuration on debian?

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D’après le message il y aurait un problème de résolution de nom. Pouvez-vous a partir du poller effectuer un ping vers ces serveurs ?

ping serveur

ping @IP serveur

Est-ce qu’il y a bien une réponse du genre ?

Dans le cas ou c’est bien un problème de résolution de nom, peut-être dans la configuration du serveur mettre soit l’adresse IP du serveur au lieu du nom du serveur ?


Badge +3

Hi there,
I do not see any validated answer on this topic, and I am encountering the same issue.

I installed systemd-resolved programm, and now I ping my Host’s name from my VM, but not from the Web interface.

The Ping resource still says :


I tried to check the indicated file :



And the repertories were inexistant from “nagios” directory.


I created them and the file “check_icmp” but it still don’t ping from Centreon’s web interface.


Here is the “check_icmp”’s rights :


This is the configuration of the Ping plugin : (I removed the host to take the screenshot)


Userlevel 5
Badge +14


this is another problem different from the first one (a name resolution issue)


check_icmp is a binary, and on linux it uses a specific right that non-root user can use, the binary should have a +s flag 

this is due to the check_icmp binary opening sockets that the centreon engine user is not allowed to

the correct way to test a plugin in a command line is to “su centreon-engine” (you will be in the same context as the web interface)


the fact that the binary was not present is strange, the program should be located in the $USER1$ folder Depending on your installation it should be “/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/” or “/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/” and this is setup in the configuration/poller/ressources page 

and this plugin should be installed out of the box on a poller or central server, with the correct rights

(I have pollers only on centos and alma, not on any debian/ubuntu, so I don’t know)


what is your OS version (on the poller), what is your centreon version, and what method did you use to install the poller ?


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Hi Christophe,


Thank you very much for your time and knowledge.

You seem to be french, as I am. Maybe we can speak french ?


My poller’s OS is Debian Bookworm (12) and Centreon’s version is the latest.

I followed Centreon’s processus to do everything.


Here is the plugin on the server :




Userlevel 5
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yes i’m french, but we should talk in english here as it could help more people

(and I also found an old post from 9 month ago Debian Remote Poller - Execute Command Failed | Community ( where the solution was to set permission to 7555

have you tried 

chmod 7555 check_icmp


the issue I could see : your check_icmp is “root:root” that’s not the case on my different pollers

let me try installing a debian to test the installation (I usually run the poller installation)


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If we speak french, I would translate the solution for others to understand.


I saw your comment under this post too, and I did what you wrote, but I did not try the 7555 access rights.

Indeed, my check_icmp is “root:root”, I just change the rights on the file, following 7555 :

But the Host check Command still does not work..


Moreover, I checked Centreon’s logs, and saw this :


It says

“[runtime] [waning] [795] Error: Host check command execution failed: could not create process ‘/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp’: Exec format error”

“[runtime] [warning] [795] Error: Service check command execution failed: could not create process ‘/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp’: Exec format error”


Thank you for your investment

Userlevel 5
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Compatibility | Centreon Documentation

I think you installed an unsupported system, debian 12 is not yet supported by centreon. there was a discussion about that during last Centreon Summit, the setup procedure is not yet finalized


I would highly suggest to use Alma 9 instead of Debian, but if you really want Debian, you must use version 11.

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I know Debian 12 is not supported by Centreon yet, but I installed Debian 11’s packages, isn’t it supposed to be compatible with Debian 12 ?


My manager started this project, and installed Debian 12, then asked me to configure Centreon on it, I’ll try my best to use Alma 9


Thanks again

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

I know Debian 12 is not supported by Centreon yet, but I installed Debian 11’s packages, isn’t it supposed to be compatible with Debian 12 ?

short answer : no, that’s why it is not supported.

debian 11 and 12 are different, there are some difference on how some “things” work in the system and various changes (package version, and behaviors).


As a best practice you should always follow the developer/provider instructions on how to install a solution

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Hi there !


I installed Debian 11 this time, and obviously, the “check_icmp” files dosen’t exist.

Neither does “/nagios” directory in “/usr/lib”.

Indeed, I tried to execute the command directly from the CLI as centreon-engine user, output :


I tried “ls /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp”

Output :

It says “No such files or directory”


There is “/nagios” in “/usr/lib64/” but no “/plugins” directory..

Moreover, I have problems with names resolution even after I checked “resolv.conf” file :

“nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX” is our DNS, so I don’t get it…

I installed resolvconf program, and added into it my host’s name and IP address, restarted “resolvconf.service”.

Now, my host’s name can be resolved but not other equipments’ name on the same LAN.


Where am I wrong ?
Or what am I missing ?


Thank you in advance,





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Oh and on Centreon Web, in “Configuration > Pollers > Resources”, everything’s fine :


Userlevel 5
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I guess the same bug as stated in the other post I Linked above

Same issue apparently

Either change $user1$ to point to lib64 or do as what the other post was saying


Just to be sure, do a su centreon-engine and try to run check_icmp


Badge +3

Hi Christophe,


I already tried to run check_icmp via centreon-engine user, this is the output :


In the topic you linked above, the person had the “check_icmp” file in the wrong directory (“/lib64” instead of “/lib”)
So he needed to copy the file in the right direcotry.


My issue : I do not even have the file

Isn’t it supposed to be created automatically ?


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Also, if this topic is not the same range of issue as mine, I created my own topic :


Badge +2

Hello, I have the same problem. It's exactly the same.😭

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@yydss hello

did you check if you have a /usr/lib/nagios/plugins folder or a /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins folder?

also the issue above was because centreon was installed on a debian 12 which was not a supported version of linux

as far as I know there is no workaround (maybe by installing a fresh centreon vm with debian 11, and copying the /usr/lib/nagios/plugin folder on your server… that’s dirty but maybe it could work, but that’s not a good advice and I would highly suggest you respect the documentation)

Badge +2

@yydss hello

did you check if you have a /usr/lib/nagios/plugins folder or a /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins folder?

also the issue above was because centreon was installed on a debian 12 which was not a supported version of linux

as far as I know there is no workaround (maybe by installing a fresh centreon vm with debian 11, and copying the /usr/lib/nagios/plugin folder on your server… that’s dirty but maybe it could work, but that’s not a good advice and I would highly suggest you respect the documentation)

Hello, my Centreon server is installed on debian11 (completely according to the official documentation) and strangely I can't find the 'check_icmp' file in any path. Neither does usr/lib64/nagios/plugins or /usr/lib/nagios/plugins.

Userlevel 5
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mmh, I really can’t help you, this would need to be addressed by the support I think. 

what method did you use to install the poller? the unattended script shell from, or a manual install following the documentation?

(I find the unattended script works really well and do everything correctly but I never tried it on debian)


Badge +3

Hello, I have the same problem. It's exactly the same.😭

Hi there :)


Did you install the monitoring-plugins-basic ?

Badge +2

Hello, I have the same problem. It's exactly the same.😭

Hi there :)


Did you install the monitoring-plugins-basic ?

I didn't have monitoring-plugins-basic installed (the documentation doesn't seem to say so). I just tried to install nagios-plugins and now the monitoring works. I don't know if I can work stably in the future.😅

Badge +2

Hello, I have the same problem. It's exactly the same.😭

Hi there :)


Did you install the monitoring-plugins-basic ?


I installed monitoring-plugins-basic on another test centreon server and it seems to be working as well. Is there any difference between monitoring-plugins-basic and nagios-plugins? Thanks!

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I have no clue for now..
