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Error access-denied


I did a fresh VMware 23.04 installation. I have 3 problems with this installation.
Error message :

  • Connection-Time : CRITICAL: Cannot connect: Access denied for user 'centreon-engine'@'localhost'
  • proc-rsyslogd : Number of current processes running: 0
  • proc-postfix : Number of current processes running: 0


Also, during server reboot, wait 30 minutes before data refresh. I think about first error message


Centreon also does not want to change the administrator password 

Thanks to help me

J'ai fait une nouvelle installation VMware 23.04. J'ai 2 porblèmes avec cette installation.
Message d'erreur 

  • Connection-Time : CRITICAL: Cannot connect: Access denied for user 'centreon-engine'@'localhost'
  • proc-rsyslogd : Number of current processes running: 0
  • proc-postfix : Number of current processes running: 0

Egalement, lors du redémarrage serveur, il faut attendre 30 minutes avant l'actualisation des données

Centreon ne veut pas non plus changer le mot de passe administrateur 

Merci de votre aide


I did a fresh VMware 23.04 installation. I have 3 problems with this installation.
Error message :

  • Connection-Time : CRITICAL: Cannot connect: Access denied for user 'centreon-engine'@'localhost'
  • proc-rsyslogd : Number of current processes running: 0
  • proc-postfix : Number of current processes running: 0


Also, during server reboot, wait 30 minutes before data refresh. I think about first error message


Centreon also does not want to change the administrator password 

Thanks to help me



I have exactly the same problem.

Please can someone help us with these issues?

Thank you!


Nobody can help us with this issue?


Impossible to change the password...

Centreon also does not want to change the administrator password 

Thanks to help me

Hello @Cyrille , just solved it this by doing this:

  1. connect to mysql running “mariadb”
  2. SELECT contact_id, contact_name FROM; (to get the ID of the contact you want to reset the password)
  3. UPDATE contact_password SET password = md5('XXX') WHERE contact_id = XX;
  4. Voilà 😀


Not solved for this service...

Status information

CRITICAL: Cannot connect: Access denied for user 'centreon-engine'@'localhost'


I’m running a virtualbox ova instance in Centreon 23.04.723 Alma Linux 8.


What i’ve done wrong?


Accounts seems ok know…


Best regards,





Did you solve the problem for centreon-engine access denied?

I followed the doc to secure my install and I get the same messages.

No user called centreono-engine in MariaDB.

Thank you


Avez-vous résolu le souci “access denied” pour l’utilisateur centreon-engine?

J’ai le même message après avoir suivi la doc pour sécuriser l’installation, et je n’ai pas d’utilisateur centreon-engine dans MariaDB.

Cela ressemble a un problème strictement système de Linux, mais je n’ai pas trouvé où modifier ça dans l’interface Web de centreon.



I have the same problem : UNKNOWN: Cannot connect: Access denied for user 'centreon-engine'@'localhost'

The database’s user is centreon and not centreon-engine, where can we change this information ?

I’ve tried to add macros in the centreon host configuration MYSQLUSERNAME and MYSQLPASSWORD  but he keep centreon-engine @ localhost.


Thank’s for your help.


Good morning,
I’ve the same problem with version 23.04 for services:.
  • Open-Files
  • Mysiam-Keycache
  • Database-Size
  • Conneections-Number
  • Partitioning
  • Slowqueries
  • Queries
  • Connection-Time

Cannot connect: Access denied for user ‘centreon-engine’@’localhost’

Has anyone managed to resolve the connection problem?

Now, im going to help in the forum.

I had the same problem, when you copy the configuration files, you overwrite the file that contain the password:

the passwords are correctly entered in plain text in both files but it still does not work

please have you a solution ?

a solution ?

to get around the problem:

CREATE USER 'centreon-engine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'centreon';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'centreon-engine'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;



bonjour Cyrille, peux tu lister les users que tu as actuellement au niveau de ta base de données ?


par exemple : select user, host from mysql.user where host <> 'localhost';

essaie aussi : select user, host from mysql.user where host <> 'adress-ip';



Salut,  la question ne porte que sur une problématique de monitoring: toujours repartir de la doc:

 Monitor a MySQL or MariaDB database | Centreon Documentation

Suit la procédure de création du User sur mariadb indiqué dans la doc

ajoute le champs MYSQLUSERNAME à ton hôte comme décrit dans la doc et le tour est joué.

