24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Hi, I’m currently installating Centreon 21.10. I’m looking for the best way to monitor SMB fioles shares.I haven’t found any specific plugin. Could you help me on that subject? Thanks a lot, Laurent
Hi all,I installed the centreon OVA and activated it with the 100 IT license. Installed and issues a ssl certificate so the webpage is secure. Installed the following packages:Windows NS Client 0.5 and Windows NS Client API. Followed the manual at: Windows NRPE 0.5 | Centreon Documentation On a windows server I installed the centreon-nsclient and made the following config file.; SCHEDULER SECTION - Section for the Scheduler module.[/settings/scheduler/schedules]host_check = Check_OK "Everything is working fine"CPU Load = checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=5m time=1m time=30sMemory Usage = checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll=long type=physical type=virtual type=paged type=pageDrive C: Disk Usage = CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% Drive=C: ShowAllUptime = CheckUptime MinCrit=12h ShowAllPrint Spooler Service = check_service service=spooler; SCHEDULER SECTION - Section for the Scheduler module.[/settings/scheduler]; THREAD COUNT - Number of threads to use.threads = 5[/settings/schedul
Hello,I want the envent handler to run a script when a service is in critical/unknown state. I have my script that works correctly when I launch it manually (the centreon account can launch the script). In the poller's logs, the services that are in "critical" state will try to execute the centreon command that launches the script. However nothing happens when the Event Handler launches the command.Any ideas ? The command : /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/eventhandler/open-jira-service-inc $SERVICESTATE$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$ $SERVICEATTEMPT$ There is a log file to see the event handler execute the command ?
je n’arrive pas à me connecté sur la page web de centreon on me dit User is blocked je essaye quelque réponses que je trouve sur le forum mais ça fonctionne toujours pasen faisant UPDATE centreon.contact SET login_attemps=NULL, blocking_time=NULL where contact_id=[change]; on me dit command introuvable update.merci
Hi!I tested Centreon passive checks, and I saw the debug file have recevied the test snmp messages, but the service always pending statue. I guess “submit service” not working normalliy. because /var/lib/centreon/centcore/ is empty and service could not recevied the statue update. please help me, thanks a lot!
I have a script that must launch a command when a critical or unknown state in type "HARD" to perform 3 attempts. The problem is that when I add to the script the part (case"$3" in 3) " on types HARD to add an interval of 3 relaunch. I have a syntax error see belowERROR : Erreur de syntaxe : fin de fichier prématurée#!/bin/sh#Titre : Ce script permets de créer un ticket INCIDENT# Note:#Le script s'execute uniquement si le service est vérifié 3 fois (dans l'etat type "soft" et status CRITIQUE )#Dans le cas contraire si le cas est de type "HARD" et de status CRITIQUE le script s'execute de suite sans vérification.case "$1" inOK) ;;WARNING) ;;UNKNOWN) case "$2" in SOFT) #Troisieme variable derriere la commande d'execution du script ($SERVICEATTEMPT$) case "$3" in #"3)" identifie le nombre de tentative avant d'executer le script 3) #commande à executer /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_notification_centreon_openticke
Hello,We have a pool of servers that respond to charge and some of them can be shutdown or started in consequence.I don’t know how to manage this in Centreon.We have all the hosts configured in it, with disk space usage/CPU/RAM/Ping service monitoring through NRPE (NSClient++) + the notifications in case of WARNING/CRITICAL but when the host goes down the notifications are sent but we want to avoid this.Do somebody have already face this kind of need?Thanks for your reply!
Hello, I’m trying to install centreon 22.10 on RHEL 8.6.I got thi error: Problem: package centreon-22.10.2-12.el8.noarch requires centreon-central = 22.10.2-12.el8, but none of the providers can be installed - package centreon-central-22.10.2-12.el8.noarch requires centreon-poller = 22.10.2-12.el8, but none of the providers can be installed - package centreon-poller-22.10.0-14.el8.noarch requires centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Snmp, but none of the providers can be installed - package centreon-poller-22.10.1-4.el8.noarch requires centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Snmp, but none of the providers can be installed - package centreon-poller-22.10.2-12.el8.noarch requires centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Snmp, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install the best candidate for the job - nothing provides perl(DateTime) needed by centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Snmp-20211215-090334.el8.noarch - nothing provides perl(DateTime) needed by c
Bonjour, Depuis une mise à jour de ce matin, je n’ai plus aucune remontée de journaux d’évènement ou de logs pour mes hôtes/sondes… Je ne sais pas ce qui bloque. J’ai un message d’erreur que voici : Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response::__construct(): Argument #2 ($status) must be of type int, string given, called in /usr/share/centreon/src/EventSubscriber/CentreonEventSubscriber.php on line 422Je vous joins une capture d’écran également. D’avance merci ! Florian.
Hi, Im trying to add a poller and I’m getting the following error.ERROR - http://my_central_ip:80 {“message”:”No parent platform was found for: ‘poller-1@’my_poller_ip’”} I think the problem is that this server doesnt see the Central one, but I dont understand why… Central works fine (with a remote ddbb)Any idea? I have fllowed the official documentation...
hello, i need help for fix this erros: /etc/centreon-studio/diagnostic.sh: línea 49: /etc/centreon-studio/studio-database.properties: No existe el fichero o el directorio########## Centreon Map server version ########## [INFO] centreon-map-server-21.10.7-5.el7.noarch########## System ########## [OK] SELinux disabled [OK] Firewall is disabled [INFO] Physical memory available on the server: 16266624 kb. [INFO] Number of CPU available on the server: 2 core(s)########## Java ########## [OK] Java 11 installed [INFO] No optimization found for the JVM (Xms and Xmx options).########## Database connection ##########/etc/centreon-studio/diagnostic.sh: línea 168: /etc/centreon-studio/studio-config.properties: No existe el fichero o el directorio########## Broker connection ########## [ERROR] Connection to port########## Authentication ########## [ERROR] Could not authenticate using (error 000)########## Protocol verification ########## [INFO] Bypassing HTTPS check for Map serve
helloIn configuration and Host all my hosts are lowercase, is it possible to rename all to uppercase easilymay be with clapi
Hello,After i upgrade Centreon to 22.10 the Plugin Broker-Stats (App-Monitoring-Centreon-Broker-Stats-Poller-custom) stop working and give this error:/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_centreon_central.pl --plugin=apps::centreon::local::plugin --hostname= --mode=broker-stats --broker-stats-file='/var/lib/centreon-engine/*-module-stats.json' --filter-name='' --warning-speed-events='' --critical-speed-events='' --warning-queued-events='' --critical-queued-events='' --warning-unacknowledged-events='' --critical-unacknowledged-events='' --warning-status='' --critical-status='%{type} eq "output" and %{queue_file_enabled} =~ /true|yes/i' --verbose --remote --ssh-option='-l=centreon'Unknown option: remote at /usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_centreon_central.pl line 2230. Can you help please?
Hi,I’m trying to change my centreon database to a external one. I have alredy exported my centreon.sql and imported in the new remote server (a debian, with mariadb).I have created a centreon user o my remote bbdd and changed the /etc/centreon/centreon.conf.php file of my central server.I have changed the hostCentstorage to my remote server IP and the password parameter but it doesnt work.Any ideas? I havent seen much documentation or topics created on the forum about this….
Hello everyone,Version information : Centreon version 22.10.2PHP 8.1.13Last week, half of my vms died from storage failure. I monitor my vms using one central instance, and two pollers, poller1 and poller2.When the poller 2 died, I made a mistake, and tried to delete the poller and all the hosts linked to it in the Web UI, causing a lot of issues with ghost hosts.I’ve followed web tutorials explaining how to remove them from the centreon_storage database, in the HOSTS table.I thought this solved the issue, but it did only in the deprecated view. In the new view, the old hosts still appear, and when clicked on, make this popup appear : I’ve looked into the various logs and found nothing except for this log :CRITICAL: Host 2048 not found {"context":"[object] (Centreon\\Domain\\Exception\\EntityNotFoundException(code: 0): Host 2048 not found at /usr/share/centreon/src/Centreon/Application/Controller/Monitoring/MetricController.php:82)"}I’ve tried to restart php and the web server to no a
When I trie to Push the configuration, I receveid this error: Preparing environment... OKGenerating files... NOK (Exception received : SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'event_queues_total_size' in 'field list' [file: /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonDBStatement.class.php] [line: 132] )Aborted.
Apres avoir installer un Poller centreon , celui ci refuse de demarrerMon poller “is not running” J’ai remarqué eglament un logo rouge concernant les databases!Est ce lié ?MerciCordialement