24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Hi all, We recently got an Azure MSSQL instance, and need to monitor it, but unfortunately it isn’t as smooth right now as “on-premise” MSSQL instances:Wether I’m using the user@server that usually Azure instances require or not:/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_mssql.pl --plugin database::mssql::plugin --hostname 'XXXXXXX.database.windows.net' --username 'Centreon@XXXXXXX.database.windows.net' --password 'XXXXXXX' --mode='connection-time' --warning=1000 --critical=5000CRITICAL: Cannot connect: OpenClient message: LAYER = (0) ORIGIN = (0) SEVERITY = (78) NUMBER = (44)Server , databaseMessage String: Server name not found in configuration files.OpenClient message: LAYER = (0) ORIGIN = (0) SEVERITY = (78) NUMBER = (45)Server , databaseMessage String: Unknown host machine name.OpenClient message: LAYER = (0) ORIGIN = (0) SEVERITY = (78) NUMBER = (41)Server , databaseMessage String: Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist | The host exists and can be resolved
Hello, As I said in my previous questions, i had to upgrade my Centreon 2.8.32 to the latest version.I’m following the official documention, https://docs.centreon.com/current/fr/upgrade/upgrade-from-3-4.html, but I’m stuck at the :yum update centreon\* part.I did the previous step with no errors.(log is in french sorry)Here it what display at the end of the command : --> Résolution des dépendances terminéeErreur : Paquet : centreon-lang-fr_FR-2.8.32-1.el7.centos.noarch (@centreon-stable-noarch) Requiert : centreon-web = 2.8.32-1.el7.centos Suppression : centreon-web-2.8.32-1.el7.centos.noarch (@centreon-stable-noarch) centreon-web = 2.8.32-1.el7.centos Mis à jour par : centreon-web-21.10.2-4.el7.centos.noarch (centreon-stable-noarch) centreon-web = 21.10.2-4.el7.centos Disponible : centreon-web-21.10.0-2.el7.centos.noarch (centreon-stable-noarch) centreon-web = 21.10.0-2.el7.centos
J’ai installé la version 21.10.15 de centreon et par la suite j’ai procédé à une mise à jour des plugins vu qu’il y avait pas dans la plate forme comme l’indique le tutoriel en ligne. Seulement après l’éxécution de la commande se trouvant dans le tutoriel, j’ai constaté que j’étais passé à la version 21.10.3 et en plus en introduisant mes paramètres de connexion de départ sur le formulaire d’authentification, le système me génère le message “Internal server error”.Que faire SVP?
Hi,Can i set or write an OID with centreon?For example, every 15 minutes set an oid to 1 from 0. (Push button via web). Thanks for your reply.
Good morning everyone,does anyone know if it is possible to monitor windows server certificate stores?Powershell is not a very viable option for me as I cannot allow unsigned scripts.
Hello dear colleagues. Passive check inspections are carried out.When I check the part mentioned in the picture, I get the following answer Object not found: check_centreon_dummyHow can I solve it? PleaseLink: https://www.sugarbug.fr/atelier/techniques/monitoring_lan/nrdp/
Bonjour, Dans broker , j’ai le message suivant qui apparait: [error] mysql_connection: could not store logs correctly: Incorrect string value: '\xCE\xBCs' for column `centreon_storage`.`logs`.`output` at row 3517 Cela coupe la lecture de broker et donc rend l’application indisponible. Quelqu’un a déjà vu ce cas/trouvé une solution? Cordialement,Francis DOUNGA
Good morning everyoneHow can I resolve the following error "[exit code: 3] [message: UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout]", when monitoring a Windows server with OS-Windows-SNMP-custom.Or even better what can I go and check to correct the error?
Hi ! our Centreon 20.10.1 suddenly stop working on this error page :http://xxx.xx.xx.xx/centreon/monitoring/resources ...with that message :“Cette page xxx.xx.xx.xx est introuvableAucune page web n'a été trouvée pour l'adresse web : http://xxx.xx.xx.xx/centreon/monitoring/resourcesHTTP ERROR 404” It used to works for many months before. Note:Our problem is exactly the same as “adonix-dev” mentioned in this page :https://github.com/centreon/centreon/issues/9268or this one :https://github.com/centreon/centreon/issues/9177 But our 10-centreon.conf file is already well patched as said in these threads. This happen just after logging with good credentials …Also, the first page (http://xxx.xx.xx.xx/centreon/) simply print normally. Is anyone to help us ? Thanks,Alex.
Hi,A more minor issue I have since a couple of months. If I remember correctly, it started after I did update the plugin.The service Broker-Centreon give me an unknow status/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_centreon_central.pl --plugin=apps::centreon::local::plugin --mode=retention-broker --broker-config='' --broker-config='' --verboseStatut détaillé UNKNOWN: '': not a file or cannot be read - '': not a file or cannot be read Informations d'état étendues Checking config '' Checking config '' I did read : https://github.com/centreon/centreon-plugins/issues/1404And added the two macros with the path in the custom template :$_HOSTSQLCFGFILE$=/var/lib/centreon-broker/central-broker-master-stats.json$_HOSTRRDCFGFILE$=/var/lib/centreon-broker/central-rrd-master-stats.jsonBut the service stays with an UNKNOWN result. Thx for any help you will provide
Hello,One of my user put a downtime with a comment and the character “<br>” have been added and made a strange behavior in the databaseEn attente du retour de Pierre Damien pour faire le point. <br>(apparemment, il avait déjà du mettre un downtime vendredi 04/02) <br>When I look in the DB i found this :MariaDB [centreon_storage]> select * from downtimes where fixed=0 and comment_data like "%<br>%";+-------------+------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+----------+------------+-------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------------+-----------------+---------+--------------+------+| downtime_id | entry_time | host_id | service_id | author | cancelled | comment_data
Hello,I’ve updated my servers from 19.04.3 to 19.10.23.Now clapi export is not working anymore and throw this error:[root@lcens01i ~]# centreon -u admin -p XXXXXXXX -e > /tmp/export_clapi_xxxxxxx.txtPHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ehi_vrml_image' in 'field list' in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonDB.class.php:275Stack trace:#0 /usr/share/centreon/lib/Centreon/Object/Object.php(84): CentreonDB->query('SELECT ehi_note...', Array)#1 /usr/share/centreon/lib/Centreon/Object/Object.php(226): Centreon_Object->getResult('SELECT ehi_note...', Array, 'fetch')#2 /usr/share/centreon/lib/Centreon/Object/Host/Extended.php(89): Centreon_Object->getParameters('1554', Array)#3 /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreon-clapi/centreonHost.class.php(1371): Centreon_Object_Host_Extended->getParameters('1554', Array)#4 /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreon-clapi/centreonAPI.class.php(911): CentreonClapi\CentreonHost->expo
Using Centreon IT Edition v20.10.2, I’m simply trying to access the plugins page in the UI, and trying to view my license status and it times out with an error. When I look in the license-manager.log log, I see this:2022-02-09 10:43|0|0|[RestNotFoundException] https://api.imp.centreon.com/v2/auth/instance : Page not found2022-02-09 10:43|0|0|[RestNotFoundException] https://api.imp.centreon.com/v2/auth/instance : Page not found2022-02-09 10:44|0|0|[RestNotFoundException] https://api.imp.centreon.com/v2/auth/instance : Page not found2022-02-09 10:45|0|0|[RestNotFoundException] https://api.imp.centreon.com/v2/license-manager/instance/subscription : Page not foundIs this a problem with their site or something broke in v20.10.2?