24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Hi everyone,I saw a topic that exposes a similar problem but unfortunately the answer is not sufficient.I manage to generate a token but every request i do, the result is the same.I put you in the context, I manage a Centreon with 300 hosts but without license. Is there a connection with this problem? C:\Users\dorian>curl -v https://SERVER/centreon/api/index.php?object=centreon_realtime_services^&action=list -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:"TOKEN""* Trying* Connected to SERVER ( port 443 (#0)* schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate* ALPN: offers http/1.1* ALPN: server accepted http/1.1> GET /centreon/api/index.php?object=centreon_realtime_services&action=list HTTP/1.1> Host: SERVER> User-Agent: curl/7.83.1> Accept: */*> Content-Type:application/json> X-AUTH-TOKEN:kkMNbGrJYJw6xm8RuQIfgCl8GyL7OfsbI2TvLT+hKIkez+4ZrDW+sLazqY3LXviJ>* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse< HTTP/1.1 40
Hello everyone, For my company i need to count a number of specific process running on a system and get an alert on my centreon dashboard if that number is superior than N. I really apreciate if you have any solution or suggestion. Regards.
Hi everybody,Here’s my problem:each time a service from a host is down we receive 2 mails:one for the service (normal!)and one to say that the host is still up!I don’t understand why.Here is our configuration:Can you tell me if I’ve made a mistake? Thanks for your help
Hello,It is possible to create a filter with AND/OR in the Widgets. For example LIKE %BA-VPN% OR %BA-CLN% Thanks. Regards
HelloI launched myself in the full rebuild of an snmp plugin for huawei dorado (san storage) by using Rest API.I did this because I added a “lun” mode to the existing snmp plugin, but as it happens, if you have too many luns the snmp is getting lots timeout, the table is huge and when go over 50 lun/snapshot the plugin never give the information back… after a bit of digging, I found there is a Restful api, and lot more digging I managed to create my own custom api I have an issue with the thing I coded, I cannot get critical or warning alerts when I use for example “--critical-usage-prct=50” on the perfdatahere is the plugin, work in progress : centreon-plugins/luns.pm at master · christophe-activiumid/centreon-plugins (github.com) (btw, anyone feel free to test it in command line if you have a dorado, it needs a read only account, and work for dorado v6 and v5)everything work fine, except threshold...I do need to implement a cache/statefile on this specific lun mode because with the a
Hi,When looking in the centreon/centreon-plugins Github repository I can’t see the same files which I have in the /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ directory after an installation from the RPM packages.My knowledge of Perl is very limited, but I suppose there is some kind of install process in order to be able to use the plugins. I looked at the README but didn’t find any. I don’t think that just cloning the repository would permit me to use the plugins, but maybe I’m wrong? If so, how to use them?I’d like to be able to do that in order to test the very last version of the plugins without having to wait for release and packaging.I suppose I’d have to do so if I’d like to participate in the development of the plugins. The README, in the Basic Usage section, shows an example with running the “centreon_plugins.pl” script. Would it work just after I cloned the repository? I didn’t try because the README also tells : “I have finished the install section and I want to monitor a Linux in SNMP”, so
Hello TeamI am configuring monitoring for ESXi and VCenter servers. I have a problem with one environment where is vcenter in version 7.0 and esxi in version 6.5 and 7.0. Is VCenter 7.0 compatible with centreon 22.04 and it should work? i get error : UNKNOWN: Cannot get response (timeout received). With the other vcenter in version 6.5 i had no such problem.
Hello,Mon host est associé à un poller différent du poller central.La commande de discovery manuelle est exécutée sur le poller central.Le flux snmp n’étant pas ouvert entre le poller central et le serveur à intérroger, la découverte ne fonctionne pas.Y-a-t’il un moyen que la commande de découverte parte du poller où est déclaré le host à monitorer ?Ma plateforme est en version : 22.04.7.Cordialement
Hello I would like to know if it is possible to show single metric (ex. Packet loss) for multiple host in single performance graph.Is there a way to do this in Centreon?Thank you
Hello, Since I upgraded to 21.10, the service ‘Partitioning’ on my server goes critical each 10 days because the database isn’t up to date.I did the partitionning mannually twice using this : https://www.sugarbug.fr/blog/files/troubleshooting-partition-mariadb.htmlLast time I tried adding0 4 * * * centreon /bin/php /usr/share/centreon/cron/centreon-partitioning.php >> /var/log/centreon/centreon-partitioning.log 2>&1to the root user crontab. But today my service ‘warning’ and dates are from 10/02. I also checked the user ‘centreon’ crontab which is empty, I don’t know if it’s normal----Also the freespace on centreon database is 0, I would like to add space (if it’s possible) before it cause issues.---Thank you for your assistance :)
Hello,I have a question.I created task to get reports in MBI. (Hostgroups-Incidents-1)Only in the settings of my task, in the report parameters tab, I have nothing in the groups, I cannot select anything, so my task does not apply to... anything.Can you help me please?Cordially
Good day, server: Distributor ID: RedHatEnterpriseDescription: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)Release: 8.6 - mysql versions on both Centreon 20.04 and 22.04 are at V10.5.18 - Performed mysqldump of centreon and centreon_storage from Centreon 20.04 . Imported centreon_storage into V22.04 with no issues. When I import centreon.sql into V22.04, the “admin” login gives me the following error. “t::setTheme(): Argument #1 ($theme) must be of type string, null given, called in /usr/share/centreon/src/Centreon/Infrastructure/Contact/ContactRepositoryRDB.php on line 429”Would anyone know why I’m getting this error?Jacques
Hi,I used all the steps for the Centreon upgrade https://docs.centreon.com/fr/docs/upgrade/upgrade-from-19-10/No error appeared when applying the patch during the update via the web interfaceAlthough the poller is restarted manually after the migration, it does not work properly.In the log files, there is an error in /var/log/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.log :[2022-11-14T13:23:14.301+01:00] [sql] [error] error while loading caches: unified_sql: could not fetch index list from data DB: mysql: result at index 7 should be a boolean, the current value is ''[2022-11-14T13:23:14.301+01:00] [core] [error] failover: global error: unified_sql: could not fetch index list from data DB: mysql: result at index 7 should be a boolean, the current value is ''This error is not specific enough to find out what the problem is.Do you have an idea?
Hello Since the centreon 21.04 upgrade to 22.04.7Since the upgrade we have several errorand despite the deletion of the brocker files and restart cbdsystemctl stop cbd && rm -f /var/lib/centreon-broker/{*cache*,*new*,*unprocess*} && systemctl start cbderrors still persist